How to invest - Bhuj

Friday, 23 July, 2021

Item details

City: Bhuj, Gujarat
Offer type: Offer
Price: Rs 1,000


Contact name 9166384288
Phone 08742880980

Item description


Money ! Wealth ! Living the better life!,

You and me the people started early in our early twenties but our schools, college don't even teach us how to manage money.

In India people have had a saving culture from ancient times but we people still do not understand the difference between investing and savings.

Lets understand with Example of Mr Ram, He earns 20,000 Rs per Month and he saves rupees 4000-5000 per month and keeping that money in bank account, where his bank pays him Interest @4% and he don't even worried about the risk of the money,

After 10 years of saving Ram saves 600000 Rs and earns 140623 Rs as Interest on his savings. But as a wise person what is valued after the 10 years of that 740000 Rs, it's quite less that what is valued today due to inflation currently i.e. around 6%.

So today's 415000 rs is equal to that 740000 Rs. in current scenario Ram lost his money around 300000 while putting his savings in bank.

So if you dont wanna lose money or be an educated fool, learn how to invest money else you end up losing money, and most importantly identify your risk appetite and start investing early.

For more details on investing please reach out to us on